The Animation Lab is an experimental content space at BuzzFeed focused on animation -
a place for humor, art, crazy ideas and motivated people.

We aspire to be the masters of the smallest screen and the shortest of formats by creating compelling animation born on the internet, for the internet.

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Emily Curran

Emily Curran (she/her) has been an Animator on The Land of Boggs since 2021. She was inspired by cartoons on TV and knew animation would be a great fit. She hopes her work makes people laugh, and that in five years, she’s still making funny cartoons. At the Animation Lab, Emily takes rough storyboards and animatics and does the final animation. She enjoys listening to the dialogue and adding extra bits of animation and acting, picturing how a character would move while saying it. Emily’s been on a huge RPG kick (making her way through the Persona series), makes music with her friends, and loves to read manga.

Animator for The Land of Boggs

Go ahead, explore some Animation Lab hits below!

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